Lucas Pertile


    born 1976 in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentinia

    lives and works in Buenos Aires

    2005 Art Clinics with prestigious art critics and artists such as Miguel Ronsino

    2006 Visual Arts and Graphic Design at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    2023 Kunst Zürich, Art Fair, BARK BERLIN GALLERY, Switzerland

    2023 Art Karlsruhe, BARK BERLIN GALLERY

    2023 Monkey Island, BARK BERLIN GALLERY (s)

    2023 Roverano: House by the River in the Middle of the Jungle. Eligere Gallery, Seoul

    2023 Soulscapes, Meyer Riegger, German

    2022 Moon Child, BARK BERLIN GALLERY

    2022 Groupshow at studio Ricard Larsson & Yael Graetz on occasion of BERLIN ART WEEK

    2022 Art Herning Blokhus, Galerie Wolfsen, Denmark

    2021/22 Here Come The Suns, BARK BERLIN GALLERY

    2021 Emergence, Rise Art London, UK

    2021 When Sinners Feast, Galerie Wolfsen, Denmark

    2020 Alucinaciones a la orilla de Río, Galeria Isabel Anchorena, Buenos Aires

    2019 Collective Exhibition, Coral C. Gallery, Miami, United States



Monkey Man by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Monkey Man

Monkey Delirium by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Monkey Delirium

Banana For A Goat by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Banana For A Goat

Blue Heart by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Blue Heart

Baroque Moon by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Baroque Moon

Forbidden Fungus by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Forbidden Fungus

Human Algorithm by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Human Algorithm

Phantom Waterfall by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Phantom Waterfall

Splendor by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Splendor

Techno Projection by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Techno Projection

Birth And Death Of A Star by Lucas Pertile
Lucas Pertile - Birth And Death Of A Star