

Yvon Chabrowski


The "Kleine Humboldt Galerie“ in cooperation with BARK BERLIN GALLERY in the newly founded single exhibition “freiGabe“ presents two works of Yvon Chabrowsky. The exhibition can be visited in the rooms of BARK BERLIN GALLERY from January 26th until february 8th 2020. Focal points of this exhibition are physicalness and movement arising questions concerning the coherency(oder Expropriation?) of motion sequences and their perception. Furthermore the “Kleine Humboldt Galerie“ on 1st February celebrates release of the catalogue oft the exhibition [may be the name of your title] There the russian group zh v yu will perform fort he first time in Berlin their program „THE GARDEN“ acting on the themes concerning physicalness. In contrast to Chabrowskys videos where the performers are located within the safe area behind the projection screen, the performers of the female artist group of zh v yu are pronounced aggressively present. In a room fully equipped with opulent pottet plants the performers will try to find a certain proximity to you and their own nativeness by „feminine“ swing of their hips. This twerking shall not be attractive,but, as the performers draw upon the room, shift borders and set emancipation mechanisms in motion. The performance THE GARDEN is an event study about the meaning of being seen as an object: Is it possible to draw strength out of violability?